What is fat loss?

We store fat in adipose tissue in our bodies – mostly under the skin (subcutaneous) or in the body cavity (visceral), with a small amount in our muscles (intramuscular). Body fat is an energy storage depot.

When the substances providing energy become sparse in your bloodstream, the body detects this and calls on fat reserves for backup.

This call happens through release of enzymes called Lipase. Lipase breaks down the fats into fatty acids and glycerol. The whole breakdown of fats is a complex metabolic process, but the final product out of the whole process is that the fat gets broken down into 3 things, Water, CO2 and energy. The water ends up being expelled in the form of urine or sweat and the CO2 is breathed out!

Factors that trigger fat loss

Fat loss and Hormones

Our body has many hormones that affect the way it functions. Certain hormones play a vital role in fat metabolism.

Ghrelin – The Hunger Hormone

Ghrelin is secreted in the stomach and travels through bloodstream to reach the brain. It is triggered when the stomach is empty. This is known as the hunger hormone as it signals the brain to feel hungry.

Ghrelin levels rise during weight loss diet. The longer the diet, the higher the level. To maintain a healthy Ghrelin level,

  • Avoid extreme weight loss diets like fad diets
  • Have plenty of sleep
  • Increase protein intake as increased muscle mass reduces ghrelin secretion
  • Avoid drastic lifestyle changes which will disrupt this key hormone.

Leptin – The Satiety Hormone

Leptin is produced by body’s fat cells. It travels through blood stream to the brain, and signals it that you’ve’ eaten enough and have sufficient energy. So higher levels of leptin decrease hunger pangs.

Image result for leptin ghrelin

These two hormones are the primary regulators of our body’s metabolism, appetite and weight. It is immensely important to keep them in balance to maintain weight.

What next?

Are hormones everything? What about calorie deficit? What about the food that we eat every day? How do all these things fit into the fat burning puzzle? We’ll visit these questions in Part 2. See you on the other side!

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